Welcome to Soil Science Editing, the world’s first soil and agricultural science focused manuscript editing service.

All editing is done by Dr. Alex Boon, a native English-speaking copy-editor with a PhD in the soil sciences from the University of Reading, UK, and several publications in high-impact journals.
Dr. Boon has been editing manuscripts since 2015, has worked with many of the major editing companies, and has supported hundreds of pre- and post-submission manuscripts in the soil and agricultural sciences.
Why choose soil science editing?
- Know who will edit your paper – All papers are edited by Dr. Boon himself. There are no third-party editors associated with Soil Science Editing.
- More than just a proofread – Soil Science Editing provides the following services as standard:
- Full check of spelling and grammar
- Check of US or UK English
- Check of the logic, flow and readability
- Check for missing information or potential issues that may arise in the review process
- Suggestions for improvements to manuscript structure to ease the review process
- Check for consistency of terminology and notation
- Comment on the overall quality and impact of the manuscript
- Free second edit (<1000 words of new text)
- Go independent – Soil Science Editing provides highly competitive rates and is much cheaper than the large editing companies, despite equivalent or better level of experience.
The Editor - Dr Alex Boon
Dr. Alex Boon is one the only expert scientific copy-editors in the world that focuses specifically on soil and agricultural sciences. He is a native English speaker and has worked with many of the best editing service providers including Edanz Group, LetPub, Nature Research Author Services and LucidPapers. To date, he has edited over 1000 manuscripts, the majority of which have gone on to be successfully published.
Dr. Boon achieved a 1st class BSc in Rural Environmental Sciences from the University of Reading Department of Agriculture. He then completed a PhD in the Department of Soil Science (now the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences) with the title “Peatland Habitats as Sources and Controls of Greenhouse Gases”. His postdoctoral research included time in the Department of Meteorology, where he studied urban greenhouse gas emissions for two years and the Agriculture and Environmental Science Departments where he lectured in Soil Science topics.

Dr. Boon has three open-access publications in international soil science and atmospheric science journals:
Gas diffusion coefficient of a UK peat grassland soil. 2013. European Journal of Soil Science.
For more details on Dr. Boon’s employment history and publications, please see his LinkedIn and ORCID iD.
The standard copy-editing service at Soil Science Editing includes:
- Full check of spelling and grammar
- Check of consistency of US or UK English
- Check of the logic, flow and readability of the manuscript
- Check for missing information and basic improvements to manuscript structure
- Check that the novelty and impact of the work has been well presented
- Check for consistency of terminology
- A free check of any changes made in response to Dr. Boon’s comments (<1000 words of new text).
You will be provided with a track-changed version of your Word document, which allows you to see clearly the changes made to your document and accept or reject these changes as you choose. Comments will also be provided within the document. At present, only documents in Microsoft Word can be accepted for editing.
Please contact Dr. Boon to arrange the editing of your manuscript.
Pricing and Speed
£0.045 per word (£45 per 1000 words) + admin charge
Minimum price £45 for abstracts.
Speed: 7 days for manuscripts < 8000 words
10 days for manuscripts 8000–12,000 words
Longer manuscripts speed by negotiation
Faster editing is available at an increased rate
Pre-Peer Review Report
A 2–3-page report summarising the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. This is not peer review and will not address the scientific details, but focuses on the presentation and quality of the written content.
Post-Review Editing
£60 per hour + admin charge
Post-review rounds of editing on previously seen manuscripts is negotiated per hour to reduce your costs. They usually take 1–4 hours to complete.
All manuscripts incur the £15 administration charge. Multiple submissions (i.e. several journal articles or abstracts sent at the same time) will incur only a single administration charge.
All payments must be made through PayPal, TransferWise or direct bank transfer in GBP only. Payment details will be provided with an invoice on completion of editing work. Payment is required within 14 days of completion of the first round of manuscript editing.
Soil Science Editing is pleased to provide services for manuscripts in the following fields:
- Soil physics
- Soil chemistry
- Soil biology and ecology
- Soil variability, survey and mapping
- Land contamination and remediation
- Environmental pollution
- Crop agriculture, horticulture and agronomy
- Crop pests and diseases
- Soil–atmosphere exchange
- Atmospheric sciences, urban meteorology and air pollution
- Environmental remote sensing
Manuscripts edited by Alex have been published in:
Catena, Plant and Soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Soil & Tillage Research, PLoS One, Journal of Meteorological Research, Journal of Geographical Sciences, Forests, Frontiers in Plant Science, Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, Journal of Geodesy, Geophysical Research Letters and many more!